Summer Cooking

Easy Cooking on Hot Days

Summer Cooking

Easy Cooking on Hot Days

As I write this it's 98 degrees and summer in the city is at full blast.

It's hard to have any enthusiasm to turn on the stove. These are the days when the ingredients have to provide all the inspiration since it's almost as unappealing to eat as it is to cook. By the time we get home after walking city sidewalks that are like hot stones or a subway ride in the one non-air conditioned car on the Lex line -- it's tempting to make dinner be a piece of chevre, a handful of cherries and a glass of chilled white wine. I know the microwave is an option, but the thought of even eating hot food is as much the obstacle than preparing it.

Fortunately the greenmarket and CSA season has begun in full, making cooking and entertaining easy. A perfect New Jersey tomato can be transformed into that miracle known as a summer tomato sandwich with only a serrated knife, two slices of white Pullman bread and a tablespoon of Hellman's mayonnaise. Of course we can put a bit more effort into our summer cooking and if the heat wave is dulling your ideas, I thought I'd offer some suggestions.

Summer Salads


Main Courses and Starters



Most of all, whether it's the main course, a salad, dessert, or anything you plan to put on a summer dinner table, my advice is to buy the best local ingredients you can find, treat them with simplicity, and let just one or two flavors lead each dish by going light on seasonings and sauces.


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