Beekeeping Legalized in NYC

Beekeeping Legalized in NYC

New York City has finally caught up with much of the rest of the nation by making beekeeping legal.  On March 16th the City's Board of Health voted unanimously to lift its ban on beekeeping and amended New York's health code.  The change is effective as of April 16, 2010.

It took two years of campaigning by a coalition of many of the city's most respected food and health organizations, including Just Food, which led the campaign.

In a press release Just Food's Executive Director Jacquie Berger said, “The Board of Health’s ruling is a significant step forward in our collective efforts to build a greener, healthier and more sustainable New York City.  Honeybees are among nature’s best pollinators and contribute to productive harvests in community gardens, urban farms, greenroofs, public parks and nature centers.”

For years, city beekeepers had to have stealth hives to keep from receiving fines that would often reach $2,000 for each offense.  Now you can go right ahead and put a honeybee hive in your yard or on your roof without fear of being arrested by the honeybee police.

Such sweet news for the people -- and the bees -- of New York City!




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