Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks

Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks

Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks

East Village
28 E. Second Street
2nd Avenue

P: 212.989.8962

A bookstore that specializes in out-of-print and antiquarian cookbooks. 

What's Great:

This shop is small but filled floor to ceiling with a meticulously gathered, organized and offered selection of cookbooks from the recent and long-ago past.  Ms. Slotnick has multiple editions of long-published favorites (Joy of Cooking, Betty Crocker, others), first editions, some with author autographs, obscure and eccentric titles, plus cooking and cookbook ephemera like brochures and advertising.

What to Know:

Bonnie Slotnick is a former cookbook editor who has more knowledge about and affection for cookbooks and their history and legacy than almost anyone in publishing.  While the store is open 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. most days (it's closed on Sunday and open noon to 5:00 pm on Thursdays), Bonnie makes a point of saying that her schedule varies often so you should either check her website or call ahead to make sure she's open.   Also open by appointment.

After years being located in an even smaller location on 10th Street in Greenwich Village, the store relocated in early 2015.



New YorkBonnie Slotnick CookbooksManhattanBookstoreEast Village

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