


505 Park Avenue
at E. 59th St.

P: 212.838.7500

One of New York's leading stores for wine and spirits. Outstanding selection at all prices, including some very good wines that are extremely well-priced.

Staff is mostly exceedingly knowledgeable but watch out during the holidays when they sometimes hire people who will know less than you will.

No discounts for buying by the case but sometimes there is free delivery (for a minimum order); see the website for current shipping details. Their excellent web site can also let you browse even before you go into the store.

What to know:

After 73 years on Madison Avenue, in 2007 they moved to beautiful and larger new quarters on Park Avenue and 59th Street. The larger shop has a tasting room, handsome cabinetry and displays, and wider aisles, making it easier to see their impressive inventory.

A little wine merchant history:  these are the folks who introduced Dom Perignon, Chivas Regal, and Georges Duboeuf's Beaujolais to the United States.




New YorkSherry-LehmannManhattanWine & SpiritsLiquorMidtownWine

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