Simple Single-Rise Bread

Makes Two Loaves That Are Perfect For Toasting

Simple Single-Rise Bread

Makes Two Loaves That Are Perfect For Toasting

Making bread can sometimes be an all-day affair but this recipe needs only a single rising, which means in an hour it's ready to bake.  The dough is made primarily with white flour, but the addition of a little whole wheat flour gives it more texture, flavor and character. 

Once the bread has baked and completely cooled, you can cut the loaves into smaller pieces, wrapping each in foil and freezing them.  Then you can have small portions of homemade bread ready to defrost in a warm oven or else cut into slices to make toast or croutons.



  1. Prepare two glass or metal 6-cup loaf pans by buttering or oiling using a tasteless oil, such as canola.
  2. In a small bowl or glass measuring cup, sprinkle the yeast over 1/4 cup of the warm water and stir in the sugar. Let it stand until the surface becomes foamy, about 3 to 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the yeast mixture plus the remaining 2 cups of warm water into the basket of a food processor equipped with a plastic bread blade or alternatively, into the large bowl of an electric mixer equipped with a kneading hook.
  4. Add 2 1/2 cups of the all purpose flour and mix to combine.
  5. Add the whole wheat flour and salt and continue mixing to combine.
  6. At a 1/2 cup at a time, add 2 more cups of all purpose flour (you've now added a total of 5 cups of flour).
  7. At this point remove the dough and place it onto a floured surface and kneading it by hand for about 5 minutes, continue to add the remaining 1/2 cup of all purpose flour. Alternatively, if you're using an electric mixer, add the flour gradually with the mixer on low, continuing to mix for about 5 minutes. Your goal is to have a dough that is smooth and silky to the touch.
  8. With the dough on a floured surface, cut it into two pieces of equal size. Shape each piece into a loaf shape and place each into a prepared loaf pan. Cover the pans with plastic wrap and place in a warm, draft-free place and let the dough rise until it expands and fills each pan about 3/4-full. This will take about 1 to 1 1/4 hours.
  9. Preheat the oven to 400° F. Bake the loaves until they are golden brown and sound hollow when tipped out of their pans and tapped on the bottom, about 35 to 40 minutes.
  10. Remove the loaves from their pans and let cool on a rack.
  11. Resist cutting into the bread until almost completely cooled, about 1 hour.




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