Slow Cooker Tomato and Artichoke Soup

Slow Cooker Tomato and Artichoke Soup

This recipe is adapted from one that appeared in Ladies Home Journal Magazine and if you have a slow cooker and an immersion blender, it couldn't be easier.  This recipe is also made with ingredients taken entirely from the pantry, as long as you keep a package of frozen artichoke hearts in the freezer.  I've also increased the garlic and added hot red pepper flakes to boost the flavor.

If you do not have a slow cooker, you can make this soup in a large pot on top of the stove.  Combine all the ingredients and place over medium low heat until the artichokes defrost.  Raise the heat and bring the soup to a boil.  Reduce to a gentle simmer, slightly cover the pot so that too much liquid doesn't boil off, and cook for about 1 hour.  Then purée as the instructions state.

This soup is also non-fat and tasty served either hot or at room temperature.



  1. Add all the ingredients to a 6 to 8 quart slow cooker. Stir to combine.
  2. Cover and cook 8 hours on low.
  3. Using an immersion blender or a food processor or blender, purée the soup, in batches if necessary, until completely smooth.
  4. Taste and adjust for seasoning, adding freshly ground black pepper at the end if necessary.



TomatoesSoupsArtichokesSlow Cooker


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