Greenmarket Fried Rice

Part of a Saturday night dinner: The Side Dish.

Greenmarket Fried Rice

Part of a Saturday night dinner: The Side Dish.

This is a child-friendly modular menu from our friend David Neibart, meaning that adults can enjoy it as a complete meal, including Seared Scallops With Lime and Cilantro Butter, while young kids (ages four and under) can peel off three parts for themselves – the salad, this recipe for Greenmarket Fried Rice, and the Pavlova.  Each course is easy to prepare, and can be served at different hours without losing anything.

The Menu

David named this recipe "Greenmarket Fried Rice" because he chooses the vegetables from whatever looks best when he visits his local Greenmarket on a Saturday morning.



  1. Cook bacon in a large frying pan until brown and fully cooked but not to the crumbling point. Drain on paper towels and cut into half-inch strips.
  2. Pour off some of the bacon grease but leave 1 to 2 tablespoons in the pan.
  3. Chop the onion into small, 1/4 - 1/2 inch pieces and set aside.
  4. Remove the corn from the raw cob and set aside.
  5. Run some warm water over uncooked peas, if you’re using frozen. If you’re using fresh, just set them aside with your other vegetables.
  6. Add any other vegetables you would like to include in the rice (and get into your child’s tummy) – e.g., lima beans, tomatoes, asparagus, etc.
  7. Chop the cilantro, and put that aside with everything else.
  8. Re-heat the pan with the bacon grease in it, and add the onions, tossing them for about two minutes until softened and very slightly golden brown.
  9. Add the cooked rice, and mix it with the onions for about 30 seconds.
  10. Add the corn, peas and bacon and toss to combine. Cook for one or two minutes, making sure the vegetables are softened just slightly.
  11. Push the rice mixture to the edges of the pan creating a circle, leaving the center with nothing in it and the pan exposed. Crack one egg into it and scrambled it until it’s a consistent yellow texture but before it shows signs of hardening. Mix the rice into it, coating everything with the egg. Repeat with the second egg.
  12. Add the cilantro and soy sauce to taste (begin with about 1 1/2 teaspoons and add more gradually because it can be very salty). Adjust the flavor with a pinch of salt and/or a little more soy, to taste.



David NeibartRice


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